Cristina’s background in compliance, audit, consulting and international business arena made her realize how important coaching was in the current scenario of corporate world. 

She now works with individuals and organisations on improving the way they get from the current status to the desired future and have more clarity on the steps that will bring them there.
Her experience of 15 years in audit, advisory, and compliance represents an extremely valuable basis for building a common language and understanding that help build relation with professionals at all levels from CEOs to junior managers. Being a member of professional coaching bodies such as the International Coach Federation (ICF) and European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) bring the seal of quality and high ethical standards.

Studies showed that the benefits generated by investing in coaching employees are beyond the cost of services (ICF 2009). The same feedback, Cristina received from her corporate customers also. They would describe her as Expert, Motivator and Optimist. These characteristics mixed with her experience, expertise, and certifications bring a unique value to audit and compliance organizations.

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