
Solution Focused Leadership Summit

I will be present on the Solution Focused Leadership Summit with a workshop about my SF Chart

How To Increase Productivity And Get Things Done Using Solution Focused Tools


I have created several tools to make the Solution Focus approach operational in everyday life. In this talk I present the SF canvas: two simple SF tools to achieve goals. You will be able to understand their philosophy and use them immediately for both personal issues and teamwork. It is not necessary to be an SF expert as I will give practical examples and also explain how to use them with teams working online.

For more information: here the web link


# SF Retrospective

Un evento gratuito mensile su zoom.
Uno spazio per fermarsi a riflettere su ciò che ha funzionato nel mese trascorso e riprogettare il mese successivo.
Un momento per sperimentare l'approccio Solution focus, per conoscere persone nuove, per condividere progetti.

Vuoi partecipare? [Scrivimi] e ti inserirò nel gruppo riservato al sf retrospective.

# SF Retrospective

A free monthly event on zoom.
A moment to pause and reflect on what worked in the past month and redesign the following month.
A time to experience the Solution focus approach, meet new people, and share projects.

Want to participate? [write me] and I'll put you in the group reserved for the sf retrospective.